Catalogue 2023
Electrical Safety Tester
Our benchtop, portable and handheld range of electrical safety analysers offer an accurate and fast solution for meeting international and local safety standards.
Select from the following:
GPS-9020 series
Why is Electrical Testing important?
Electrical safety testing is used to verify the safety of installations in domestic, commercial and industrial settings. These testers ensure that fixed wiring is safe and correctly installed to meet relevant local standards and safety requirements.
Types of electrical testing:
Insulation-continuity tests: Diagnose breakdown of the insulation in various parts of the electrical system such as wires, transformers and motors. The quality of insulation is critical in ensuring uninterrupted and safe functioning of electrical circuits.
Checking RCD devices: Check the proper functioning of residual-current devices (RCDs). RCDs are designed to disconnect quickly to mitigate the harm caused by electric shock and to avoid current leaks that may lead to fire and other dangerous situations.
Loop testing: A quick, convenient, and specific method of evaluating an electrical circuit’s ability to engage protective devices (circuit breakers, fuses, RCDs). A ground loop determines the effectiveness of protective devices.
Resistance measurement of grounding systems: Verification tests to ensure that a system’s resistance is low enough to provide protection to people, equipment and structures.
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